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“The fundamental work of the Somatic Coach is to guide the person to feel and be with this animating force that makes them alive. This is life moving toward life.”

- Richard Strozzi-Heckler

  • Do you feel stuck, stressed or as though you just can’t cope anymore?

  • Have you received a recent diagnosis of ADHD and you don’t know what to do now? 

  • Are you feeling restless, having difficulty concentrating or are unable to stick to taking care of yourself?

  • Are you feeling anxious for reasons you either DO or DON’T understand? A low-grade sense of something not being right?

  • Do you often find yourself going off the deep-end and losing your temper, or simply feeling irritable and out of sorts?

  • Have you realised you’re probably perimenopausal and are feeling lost as to how do deal with all the symptoms all the feelings, sensations and mess? 

  • Are you struggling with low self-esteem or self-confidence?

  • Is life void of enthusiasm and spark? Everything happens ‘out there’ and you feel disconnected from yourself and those around you?

When we’re connected and embodied, the world around us looks and feels different. You have the energy and presence to bring all you want to do, be and create into your life – better relationships, money, incredible memories, love, success…



  • feel balanced, calm, kind and creative

  • feel joyful and connected to the world around you and the people you love

  • feel a sense of ease and freedom in your body and mind

  • feel resilient and able to navigate life's ups and downs without feeling overwhelmed

  • feel present and spacious in your life – that there is enough space and time for everything, especially for you.

My approach

I'm a Somatic Coach, which means that I have a body-centred approach (Soma = Body).


I work with you in all your aliveness - including mind, thoughts, emotions and the effects of stored memories and events.


We lean into your strengths and the wisdom of your body so you can start to live your life with the freedom and resilience you deserve.


We're the sum of all our experience so we start by acknowledging what you're bringing – 


  • What’s your background and ‘story’?

  • What are the symptoms you're experiencing? 

  • What's happening in your day-to-day life? 

  • What's not working for you? And - more importantly - what IS working?

  • What do you want to be feeling, doing and creating?


Our work together is a process of discovery - finding what works best for you to get you to where and WHO you want to be.

steps sitting pink landscape.jpg
This photo has made me realize how beauty is just inspiring, this photo reminds me of how

“There is a natural order and harmony in this world which we can discover. But we have to learn to feel it in our bodies and bones, our hearts and our minds.”
- Trogyam Chunpa Rinpoche

Our tools & techniques

Our somatic work may include the following – 


  • Guided breath work 

  • Mindfulness or meditation 

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) 

  • Somatic Experiencing®

  • Yoga

  • Free movement

  • Embodied Yoga Principles (EYP)


If you’re in Denmark (in or near Copenhagen) we can also include Body Therapy in this process to support you hands-on in calming your system, bringing balance and more energy and unwinding some of the physical and energetic patterns that have created tension in both your body and mind.


I also teach you simple somatic exercises and practices that you can build into your life and routines.

What my clients say

I am hyperactive extreme ADHD and struggle with focus and productivity, especially when I’m stressed. Even when things are going well, I can easily get distracted or overwhelmed.

I am currently extremely busy launching two businesses. Fiona has basically rescued me from myself. She’s given me strategies to sleep, relax and prioritise. 


One of my own quotes had been “it should hurt being awake." I was neglecting myself and Fiona has nurtured me away from my self-doubt & bad habits. I'm learning to trust myself more.


I’m a bit unusual and Fiona's helped me see that as an asset and even something to develop. 


The value I received is quite extraordinary and the process has been really life-changing. 


Heather L, Entrepreneur - Denmark (online & in person)

Let's work together

1:1 Somatic Coaching is tailored for you and the time frame is anything from 8 weeks to 6 months. I work both online and in person.


If you’d like to find out how we can work together, book a free 20 minute chat.


Please fill in the contact form below and I’ll be in touch to organise a time


You can tell me a little about your situation and ask me any questions you may have. We’ll find the way forward that will benefit you most.

Contact Me

If you’d like to find out more about how we can work together, please message me to arrange a  free 20 minute chat.


You can ask me any questions you may have and we'll agree on the best way for us to work together.


If you know what you want and are ready to get started, contact me to choose your individually tailored package and we’ll get you booked in!

Please check the options you're interested in:

Let me know a little about your situation as well as your preferred time to talk - morning/afternoon/evening.


*If you want to come for body therapy, you can book in now, using the booking link at the top of the page.

Thanks for getting in touch!

RAB (Registreret Alternativ Behandler)

Massage & Psykoterapi/ Psychotherapy

Clinic Address:


Holger Danskes Vej, 3b

Frederiksberg 2000



Registered Company Address:

Islevvangen, 9

Rødovre 2610





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Somatic Experiencing & Somatic Coaching online



Body-Mind Therapy, Somatic Experiencing & Somatic Coaching in clinic




Tel: +45 9395 8321

CVR: 38043285

© 2023 by Fiona L Smith

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